

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cicadas to make return to East Coast

I saw this article on Yahoo yesterday. Cicadas, often colloquially called locusts, are set to make their return to the East Coast after a 17 year "vacation".

From the article:
It’s not a welcomed reunion, but after 17 years the cicadas are set to return to the East Coast.

Insect experts say that starting in mid April to late May, residents from North Carolina to New England will witness the emergence of billions upon billions of the singing insects. For them to emerge, the ground has to be a mild 64 degrees, notes retired Smithsonian entomologist Gary F. Hevel. That's how, even eight inches below ground, the insects know, "It's party time."
“In places where they’re going to be present, it’s going to be spectacular. There could be as many as 1 billion cicadas emerging per square mile.”

These guys are offspring from the last batch to make an appearance in 1996! It should be very interesting to see how this affects fishing. The insects live underground near tree roots as they feed off the root systems. They die soon after mating - so imagine a carpet of these guys lining the surface film of the quinnie! Trout will be gorging themselves. Article URL:

Anyone else hit the quinnie this past weekend? How'd you do?


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